Game Summary: Each player has 10 seconds to arrange their cards in order. People who want a quick, easy-to-play experience will love this game.
2—10 people
10 seconds per round
5 cards per player
How to Win Correctly arrange your cards in order.
How to Lose Correctly arrange your cards in order.
How to Play
Year Side
Players should not look at the year on the cards.
Dealing & Setup
Deal each player 5 cards, year-side down.
Players should put their cards in a single stack without looking at them.
Set deck to the side. It will not be needed again unless there is a tie.
Who Goes First
Everybody goes at the same time.
Game Play
Set a timer for 10 seconds.
Each player has 10 seconds to arrange their cards in a single row, in chronological order, year-down, with the oldest event on the left.
When the timer is over, all players must remove their hands from their cards. No cards can be moved or changed after the timer.
The player to the left of the dealer will reveal their left-most card first, one at a time. The player reads their card out loud, then flips it over to reveal the year.
If the player’s card is in chronological order, they continue to flip one card at a time.
If the cards are not in chronological order, stop flipping cards. The player’s turn is over. They are not allowed to look at the dates on the remaining cards. Move to the next player.
The player who correctly arranged all 5 cards in the right order wins that round.
If more than one player correctly arranged all 5 cards, move to tie-breaker rules.
If no players have correctly arranged all 5 cards, players keep their same cards, and those that are not revealed should be kept year-side down. Repeat step 1 and re-arrange all cards to be in the correct chronological order.
Face-Off Tie-Breaker
Each player draws one card and places it inline with the rest of their cards, year-down.
Players flip their card at the same time.
If all players are incorrect, that card will remain year-side up and they should place it in the correct order in their timeline. Draw another card and repeat.
If only one player’s card are in correct chronological order, that person wins the round.
If some players are incorrect, the players who were correct continue play by repeating step 1. After the card is revealed, if play continues, players should arrange the new card in chronological order.